Desirable and deserving


Desirable & Deserving eBook

Give yourself the romance and passion you deserve with Desirable & Deserving!

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Life after betrayal.

My divorced left me feeling undesirable and unworthy of love.

Find out how I reclaimed my confidence and created a vibrant life of pleasure and sensuality by embracing my body and it’s connection to my spirit.

Discover the hidden secrets to attracting quality men by reviving your femininity.

Let me ask you a question. If you are like most single women, you want to be desired by men. But in your heart you really think trying to lose weight by jumping on the latest fad diets...Costly beauty treatments ...Expensive clothes ...

Hi, my name is Patty Contenta. I’m going to share with you how I went from a “broken hearted” divorced dancer to supreme confidence and sex appeal that has men falling over themselves to meet me.

But look, it wasn’t always this way. In fact, 2001 was the worse year of my life.

I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was a sunny, summer day and I had just finished breakfast. I was rushing to get to the dance studio to meet up with my dance partner. We were competing in a dance competition and getting together to practice.

I was almost out the door when the phone rang. I just knew something was wrong.

I pushed aside my feelings and picked up the phone. It was a lady and she said, “I want you to know that your husband is cheating on you!”

Somehow, I knew she wasn’t lying.

That phone call was the start of my divorce after 5 years of marriage.

That was a painful year. We tried counseling, but it didn’t help. He didn’t change, so we ended up getting a divorce. I was crushed.

At the point in my life, I realized if I didn’t fix things in my life that I was headed for a deeper spiral.

I lost all my self-confidence. I certainly didn’t feel feminine or beautiful. How could he do this to me? Was there really something wrong with me?

Would anyone want me? Would I be alone for the rest of my life? What happened to the fairy tale ending?

It was at that point that I decided to take what I already knew best. The place I felt most confident. The place where I became alive. I decided to take all of the knowledge from my dance career and see if I could apply it outside the dance floor.

On the dance floor, I was the model of self-confidence. The moment I walked on the dance floor, all eyes turned to watch me. I knew how to walk, how to stand, how to capture the judges’ attention and captivate the entire audience.

My dance career took me all over the world. I competed and won several dance competitions. I don’t say these things to boast. Instead, I say them to show that though I looked so self-confident and was able to capture the judge’s attention, inside I was still hurting. I was still that girl who wondered if I would ever find love again?

Patty Contenta Desirable and Deserving

So, I began journaling all the things I did on the dance floor that helped me feel feminine. I took these techniques that captivated an audience and impressed the judges on the dance floor off, the dance floor and into real life.

Instantly, I started getting validation. Men started approaching me! I’d walk into a room and eyes would turn to focus on me. Men were falling over themselves to come talk to me. Initially, I was shocked by all the attention. And it was happening everywhere: airports, bars, the gym, grocery stores…

Now, I was the center of attention and loving every minute of it! My girlfriends started noticing and started asking me how exactly I was getting all this attention?

It was at that point that I started teaching my friends. And you know what? It started working for them too.

By learning to changing how they stood, they were getting more men approaching them. One friend just changed how she was sitting at the bar and had guys were sending her drinks.

Suddenly, my friends were comfortable with their bodies and knew how to be more graceful. Their confidence shot through the roof!

At that point, I wondered if I could teach more people my techniques? So, I released my first ebook, “Sensuality Secrets” in 2003. Women all over the world have been applying my body language strategies and loving all the attention.

Now, I’ve completely revamped the book. My simple, step-by-step body language strategies have been updated to cover the latest techniques that I’ve discovered. You’ll learn the exact steps to attract and captivate a man’s attention. They are simple and I’ve had students read a chapter from my book and within 15 minutes started applying and seeing results. It’s that fast!

But, I didn’t want to stop there. I want this book to be a means for women to embody a more sensual lifestyle. I want women to attract not only a large quantity of men, but a highly qualified number of men.

So today, I have a simple question for you… Would you like to achieve these kinds of results in your own life?

So, here’s exactly what you’re going to be getting access to in my 220-page ebook:

In Chapter 1

You’ll learn how everybody speaks a language. You can use your body to communicate with those to create a new, powerful self-image that emanates from the inside out.

In Chapter 2

You’ll learn why women struggle with being sensual at any age. You’ll be able to let go of your past conditioning to finally become the sensual woman you were meant to be.

In Chapter 3

You’ll learn about the body image breakthrough. You’ll finally have the peace of mind that your weight isn’t tied to your sensuality.

In Chapter 4

You’ll learn the difference between sexuality and sensuality. Now you can enjoy the benefit of sensuality without feeling vulgar or trashy.

In Chapter 5

You’ll learn about masculine versus feminine energy and which is better for you. You can finally learn when to use each type of energy and how to control them to increase your sensuality.

In Chapter 6

You’ll learn about the art of flirting. You’ll be able to have men approaching you without saying a single word.

In Chapter 7

Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, or enjoying midlife, you’ll learn the truth about being single. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing exactly how to use your singleness to increase the joy in your life.

In Chapter 8

You’ll learn about introvert vs. extrovert and who are you? You can release yourself to use your personality to become the sensual woman you desire.

In Chapters 9-14

You’ll learn the Sensuality Secrets of Movement, Dance, Positioning, Touch, Appearance, Captivation and Communication. You can apply these body language and communication strategies to increase your self-confidence and captivate the attention of both men and women around you.

In Chapter 15

You’ll learn about sexual confidence. You’ll become a desirable woman able to drive your man crazy.

In Chapter 16

You’ll learn to relish your own sensuality. You’ll be able to love yourself first, before anyone else.

If you’ve always wanted to improve your self-confidence, and suddenly have men and women drawn to you and even complimenting you. Then, click the Buy Now button below.

What women are saying

Sanah from Montreal
“I always suffered from lack of confidence, but when I followed your tips... how to sit, stand and speak... it was like magic... I suddenly had men and women drawn to me... always complimenting me... even random strangers!”
Sunny from NYC
"I was in New Jersey on business and spent an evening in New York city. Well, it just so happened I had been reading your book on the plane on my way to NJ a few days earlier. So, as I proceeded to walk around downtown NY, your method on how a woman should walk in a sensual way, was foremost on my mind. This trip to the city was a new and unique experience for me. Suddenly, I had a fan club! Walking along, minding my own business, I had one shop owner walk out onto the sidewalk to comment on what a beautiful woman I was. One man said, under his breath, 'Now that's what I'm talking about!' as he watched me walk away."

Now before you go,
let me tell you about a special BONUS I have for you:

One of the main challenges women have is conversations with men. I have a special bonus from Frank Kermit, a dating coach, called “101 Conversation Topics for a First Date”. He covers the mindset of these conversation topics including how to have fun on a first date, how to set your boundaries without ruining the vibe. What “Red Flags” you should be screening for? This bonus will give you everything you need to keep the conversation going with a guy on the first date.

Click the Buy Now button below. I’m looking forward to hearing about your successes.

You truly are "Desirable and Deserving!"